( ! ) Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/sojourn/htdocs/application/layouts/includes/columnLeft.php on line 8
Call Stack
10.0002235120{main}( )../index.php:0
20.14816191088Zend_Application->run( )../index.php:26
30.14816191136Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run( )../Application.php:366
40.14826191744Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch( )../Bootstrap.php:97
50.21467844120Zend_Controller_Plugin_Broker->postDispatch( )../Front.php:965
60.21467844240Zend_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout->postDispatch( )../Broker.php:331
70.21477845616Zend_Layout->render( )../Layout.php:143
80.21527849272Zend_View_Abstract->render( )../Layout.php:796
90.21527865840Zend_View->_run( )../Abstract.php:880
100.21547873568include( '/var/www/sojourn/htdocs/application/layouts/layout.phtml' )../View.php:108
110.22557889240include( '/var/www/sojourn/htdocs/application/layouts/includes/columnLeft.php' )../layout.phtml:21

( ! ) Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/sojourn/htdocs/application/layouts/includes/columnLeft.php on line 22
Call Stack
10.0002235120{main}( )../index.php:0
20.14816191088Zend_Application->run( )../index.php:26
30.14816191136Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run( )../Application.php:366
40.14826191744Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch( )../Bootstrap.php:97
50.21467844120Zend_Controller_Plugin_Broker->postDispatch( )../Front.php:965
60.21467844240Zend_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout->postDispatch( )../Broker.php:331
70.21477845616Zend_Layout->render( )../Layout.php:143
80.21527849272Zend_View_Abstract->render( )../Layout.php:796
90.21527865840Zend_View->_run( )../Abstract.php:880
100.21547873568include( '/var/www/sojourn/htdocs/application/layouts/layout.phtml' )../View.php:108
110.22557889240include( '/var/www/sojourn/htdocs/application/layouts/includes/columnLeft.php' )../layout.phtml:21
Journal Entry
Theo Eastwind Enters the Station

Ladies and Gentleman, the N train will be making all local stops... and Theo Eastwind's new album, King of the Underground is finally here. Theo, who worked with Mark Ambrosino at Sojourn Records (who recorded and produced this album), is releasing a full length acoustic and vocals-only album recorded live on the platform of the NYC subway over a few months in 2007. Though the actual location of the platform is a well-guarded trade secret, it is clearly under the streets of NYC and demonstrates Theo's amazing talent along with his dogged determination to highlight the subway musicians' world. What is apparent when listening is that the talent Theo has for songwriting and for pulling the listener in, exists despite any handicap that the location or fidelity might offer. Theo may be challenging himself while highlighting a location where he has spent many years making his living and growing an enormous fan base - and also selling 20,000+ CDs. This record has the flavor of a documentary without the images since there are many stories, both real and imagined within his life and music that provides a rich context to Theo's haunting vocals and open-tuned acoustic. Theo has been near the edges of "discovery" in his public domain, from encouraging words from Johnny Cash to arguing for 1st Amendment rights for street musicians on Fox 5 News, to playing one of the new songs from the Oasis release as part of the band's promotion in NYC. But he returns to the subway platform where he has grown comfortable and continues to be highly capable of earning a decent living while trying out new material. Glamorous, perhaps not, but riding freight trains in the early to mid 20th century wasn't for everyone either, and yet it is a rich part of American culture. Sojourn will get Theo back in the studio someday soon, but wanted to help him celebrate his art in an environment that he has grown to appreciate, and is at times an integral part of the arrangement.

Posted by: Sojourn Records